There are many causes of food insecurity. As cited by Feeding America [4], some of these causes are:
Poverty, unemployment, or low income.
Lack of affordable housing
Chronic health conditions or lack of access to healthcare
Systemic racism and racial discrimination
Of course, as noted by PovertyUSA [5], there are many causes and factors to individually consider. Some are historical and present day, intentional and unintentional. Another key factor that PovertyUSA notes in their article [5] on food insecurity is geography and urban planning and how both could contribute to the creation of “food deserts.”
As defined in the article, a food desert is a term to describe areas where residents can’t access affordable, healthy food. Qualifications for a food desert vary on where a resident lives. For urban communities a food desert means a majority of the population lives a mile or more from an affordable grocery store and for rural communities this changes to 10 miles or more. Food deserts are especially detrimental to those who have unreliable transportation, no transportation, and/or those who struggle with mobility.
New Mexico has long struggled with the issues of food deserts and food insecurity. Approximately 30% of counties [6] were considered to be food deserts and many counties also lacked public services such as food banks and pantries.
This all means that a considerable portion of New Mexicans aren’t receiving essential and/or balanced nutrients to sustain themselves properly. The six main nutrients the body needs to survive are:
With this information in mind, the effects of malnutrition are harsh. Children who are malnourished may be short for their age, be thin or bloated, listless and have weakened immune systems [10]. Symptoms may also include [10]:
Pale, thick, and dry skin
Bruising easily
Achy joints
Increased light sensitivity
While there is no end-all solution to the issue of food insecurity, there are steps that can be taken towards it. According to PovertyUSA and their article on the matter, solutions include:
Continuing to modernize SNAP benefits
While SNAP benefits have helped many families and individuals, the USDA Thrifty Food Plan utilized in the program is not an accurate measure for food expenditures. They also do not meet all federal U.S. nutritional standards.
SNAP Benefits are also equal across the country, meaning that they do not account for other factors such as cost of living. In some instances, SNAP benefits may not provide enough to pay for the quantity of food needed.
Reduction of food waste
USDA cites that around 30 to 40 percent of food in the nation is wasted.
Improving transparency and implementing consistent food labeling can prevent consumers from throwing food that could otherwise be utilized.
Offering universal free school lunch
Poverty USA cites several reasons for universal free school lunches, including:
Reduced stigma around needing school lunch
Improved variety and quality of foods in students’ diets, particularly with fresh fruits and vegetables
Improved health and lowered obesity rates
Higher attendance rates from low-income, food insecure students
This aspect includes volunteering at local food banks, co-ops, and mutual aid networks. It works to strengthen bonds within the community and make new connections.
Local food banks in the Albuquerque metro include St. Felix Pantry, Roadrunner Food Bank, The Storehouse New Mexico, and Rio Grande Food Projects
Click here for more information on Roadrunner Food Bank
Non-profit organizations, such as Seed2Need, an organization which works to grow fresh produce, work closely with these food banks to provide the food and resources needed to sustain them.
Click here for more information on Seed2Need.